Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wow... on New Year's Eve!

So yesterday I got a few positive pregnancy tests in the morning and called the doc for follow-up bloodwork and they warned me that I'd have to do a urine test when I got there. So I drank TWO bottles of water on my way there. I gave them my sample and their 2 tests came out negative (I look back now and think my sample was EXTREMELY diluted from all the water). So after a good cry I asked for bloodwork to make sure because it didn't make sense to me that I could get 3 positives at home (on 3 different brands). So they did my bloodwork and told me to call back this afternoon.

So I called today at 12:06 (hey, that's the afternoon!) and the results came back positive! Hoping it sticks, we are SO excited! Looking at a due date in early September!