Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 6, 2010

More Nursery Pics & Swing

Stephen came over today and finished up with almost all the painting. He'll be back tomorrow to outline the last few things and it will be done. Yeah!!

We went to some big garage sales last weekend and one of our bog finds was the swing below. If flips so that it can swing both ways (back and forth like a normal swing and side to side like a cradle). Plus it had a jungle theme! It was exactly what we wanted and we paid only $30 for it!


  1. The nursery is sooooooo cute! I love it. What a great find on that swing, too. Does the tray flip out of the way so you can put him in and take him out without trying to pretzel his legs in?

    Wow, it's getting close, isn't it? So exciting!!

    Love you, Mom

  2. Yeah, the tray flips up and the mobile flips up so it's out of the way when we are putting him in and taking him out.


  3. I really like the nursery, he did a fantastic job. I hope he is outlining the giraffe's eyes though, it looks a little creepy right now.

    2 more days and I will be seeing it in person!!!!!

    Love you.
