Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Doctor's Appointment and Car Pictures

Ok so the doctors appointment went great.  They asked me if I wanted an ultrasound and I said I sure did!  I asked that they make sure they bill it as medically necessary and they said they won't even bill it, they are considering it like Glamour Shots! lol 
So I got an ultrasound done and SO much has changed in 4 weeks!  Our little bean was squirming around in there, it was the cutest thing ever!  We got a couple pics, they didn't turn out great, they were so much clearer on the screen when she was showing us.  I'm measuring right on schedule so I still have a due date of Sept. 14th.  The heartbeat was beating away strong at 163 beats per minute!  It was a great appointment and I go back in a little over 2 weeks (on March 4th) to have an NT scan, which checks for markers that may indicate down syndrome. 

Here are the baby pics!

I know it looks a little bit alien-like, but that's ok! lol

Here are some pics of my new car, I took them really quick while it was in the garage, so sorry they aren't better.
My 2010 Nissan Sentra

The dash

The ginormous trunk
The backseat


  1. Love the pics, of the baby AND the car! Looks like the car fits into the garage better. Can't wait to take a ride in it one of these days.

    Love you bunches,

  2. Nice car Amanda! Looks like you'll be able to fit a giant stroller and the 10,000 things you'll need to carry around with the baby for the next 18 years in it!! Glad your pregnancy is going well! I'm praying for you guys!!
    love ya,
