Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Emergency Appointment and 11 weeks

So today I'm supposed to be 11 weeks and I woke up this morning bleeding.  I was in a minor panic so I called the doctor and they got me in at 9am this morning.  They did an ultrasound and baby was squirming away, legs and arms going everywhere and had a nice strong heartbeat of 170 (We think it went up due to me being stressed out because my blood pressure was up a bit too).  That was definitely reassuring but they also checked to make sure there weren't any bleeds aroudn the baby.  They found nothing so it was just a fluke bleed, makes me think that if we weren't trying, would I end up on that show "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant?"  I mean it could have been easily mistaken for my monthly cycle. 

Anyway, they also measured the baby again.  Last Wednesday the baby was measuring at 10 weeks and 1 day, so today I should have been 11 weeks on the nose.  However, baby Smith in there is measuring 11 weeks and 6 days, so almost a week ahead!  Meaning in 1 week the baby grew almost 2 weeks!  It definitely led to a disussion on the possible size of our baby with the size of Dan and I. 

However, because of this growth spurt we had to change the date of my NT scan (the one that checks for Down Syndrome).  It has to be done between 11 weeks 1 day and 13 weeks 6 days, and my original appt was scheduled for next Thursday.  So if my baby were to grow normally from now on then I'd be 13 weeks and 1 day.  However, they are worried that the baby may grow faster and I'd miss that window.  So we moved the date to next Monday at 3pm, just to be safe.  Whew!  Ok normally I would post an 11 week fruit picture for reference and info, but siince I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow, I'll just post the 12 week one tomorrow.  I got 2 pictures from the scan today, but they are a bit more blurry than the last ones due to our little one squirming so much, so I might not post the pics here.  We'll have to see how they turn out. 

Whew!  Ok, update everyone tomorrow, now it's time to change that ticker at the top! Oh, by the way, this would change my due date to Sept 8th!


  1. So glad to hear that the little bugger is in there kicking around and growing like a weed. I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you were 24" at birth! Between you and Dan, that kid will be coming out ready for preschool :-) But that's ok, we'll still love HER.

    Love you, Mom

  2. Our prayers are with you and the new one!
    Love, Grandpa

  3. Amanda, maybe this is a welcome to the "giant baby" club that I started! Thanks for the update! Love, Katie
