Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

25 weeks

I still can't believe that I only have 15 weeks left! Time is flying by! Little Landon is definitely on the move. I've read that between 24-28 weeks they are the most active (since they still have enough room to move and most reflexes are developed) and holy cow they weren't lying! Dan got to feel him again the other day as Landon was punching me and rolling around. I think it freaked Dan out a little bit.
School is almost out for me. The last day for students is June 10th and the last day for teachers is June 11th. I'm VERY excited! I have a bunch of workshops that I'll be taking throughout June for extra money, which is fine, I just need a break from the students!
Dan has been laid off for a few weeks now and he's starting to go a bit crazy. He's been trying to find side work to do but it's tough. He's heard a rumor that he could be going back to work soon, so we're keeping our fingers crossed!
Yesterday for Memorial Day we went to St. Petersburg Beach with some of our friends and had a great time! We had a big canopy that we could sit under to stay cool (especially since we had 2 toddlers with us) and a BBQ so we made hot dogs and hamburgers on the beach. It made Dan even more excited for Landon to come. He was playing in the water with the toddlers and watching them play in the sand and was getting SO excited, it was really cute! I did get a slight burn on my legs and shoulders and so did Dan, but we had a great time still!

Here is what is going on with Landon and me this week:
Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. His weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but he's beginning to exchange his long, lean look for some baby fat. As he does, his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he'll start to look more and more like a newborn. He's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Your baby's not the only one with more hair — your locks may look more full and lustrous than ever. It's not that you're growing more hair, but thanks to hormonal changes, the hair that you'd normally shed is sticking around longer than usual. Enjoy the fullness while you can — the extra hair will fall out after you give birth.You may also notice that you can't move around as gracefully as before. Unless your caregiver has advised you otherwise, it's fine to continue to exercise, but follow a few safety rules: Don't work out when you're feeling overly tired and stop if you feel any pain, dizziness, or shortness of breath. Don't lie flat on your back and avoid contact sports as well as any exercise where you're apt to lose your balance. Be sure to drink plenty of water, and make time for both warm-up and cool-down periods.When you have your glucose-screening test at 24 to 28 weeks, a second tube of blood may be taken at the same time to check for anemia. If blood tests show that you have iron-deficiency anemia (the most common type of anemia), your caregiver will probably recommend that you take an iron supplement. Have you started thinking about baby names yet? Choosing a name is an important decision, but it should be a fun one, too. You may want to consider family history (Great Grandpa Zeb), favorite locations (Venice, where you honeymooned), or cherished literary or film characters (Greta, Meg, or Atticus, for example). Check out a couple of baby-name books to help you brainstorm, too.

1 comment:

  1. How fun is it going to be to be able to take Landon to the beach all year long? Of course, you will have to bring him up north to play with me in the snow :-)

    When is the next ultrasound?
