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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

31 week ultrasound pics

So today we went for an elective ultrasound to see baby Landon. It was great, even though Landon was VERY stubborn. He kept on holding his hand in front of his face! I have tons of pics with his hand in the way, but these are some that are better. The woman doesn't do measurements since it's elective but said he looked like a big boy. He is currently butt down, with is bottom down under my left hip, his legs up along my left side and his head just above my belly button. He's pretty much sitting in a V-shape. The description of each pic is above it.

Showing how long his legs are, this is just his femur. So from the knee to the foot takes up the whole screen!
His cute face, I know it looks like he has a black eye, but it's just a shadow

If you look close, you can see some fuzz coming off his head which they said is his hair

Has a little smile

Side view

That think across his face is his arm
Showing his heartbeat at 145 bpm

hand near the face again

lol, still a boy!

These are 2 different videos, the one on the left is of him moving around a bit and the one on the right shows his abdomen in 2D real quick as he has the hiccups

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures - he looks like Dan! LOL, actually I can't tell. How fun to have all these pics and video.

    Love, Mom
