Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 1, 2010

NT scan and 12 weeks

So I had my NT scan today, which is the first step in the genetic testing.  It looks for abnormalities that may indicate Down Syndrome or Trisomy 18 (I think) which is a disorder where the baby usually dies before it is born or shortly after it is born. 
The scan went well with the exception of us having a stubborn baby!  She needed the baby to be laying on it's back and it kept laying on it's side on top of the placenta, like it was a big pillow.  She had me do stretches, cough, laugh, even eat raisins (for the sugar) to get the baby to roll over.  It squirmed around a lot but finally turned on it's back.  They look for 2 things in the scan.  The first thing is the presence of a nasal bone (which was there) and the amount of fluid on the back of the neck.  The measurement for the amount of fluid on the back of our baby's neck was about 1.9mm, and anything below 3mm is considered normal.  However, they have to combine this information with blood work they took today and bloodwork they will be taking at 16 weeks.
I was still measuring ahead, but only by 4 days this time.  The ultrasound technician said that this is the time that the baby goes through a growth spurt so it's normal to be off.  If I'm still measuring ahead at the 20 week scan where they can tell us the sex of the baby then they will change my due date then.  So for now my due date is staying at Sept. 14th. 
They gave us some pictures and I mentioned how I share with family and friends through the internet and I usually just take pictures of the ultrasounds that I get to take home.  She told me that if I had said something earlier they would have given me a CD that they could burn all the images onto for me!  So they gave me one this time and I will take it back for the 20 week ultrasound to add more pictures.  Here are a few pictures, they're all kind of tough to see since baby was being stubborn.

In this one the baby is facing straight out and it's arms are out to it's sides.  They were measuring the CRL (crown to rump length) since this is the most accurate measurement for due date.  The area right underneath the baby that looks like a half moon and fills the rest of the circle-shaped area is the placenta.

This one finally has the baby laying on it's back.  This was when it first rolled over and you can see it's hand up in the air actually pointing at the screen (we think it was getting upset at us for making it roll over!).

OK, so this is the ultrasound technicians attempt at getting a 3D picture this early.  You can see a leg, body and an odd shaped head (lol).  The head is about 1/2 the size of the baby at this point so it's a bit strange.

Here's one more 3D picture.  Again, the head is so large!


  1. Ok, those 3D pics are a little creepy looking. I think it's easier to tell what's what on the other ones.

    Sounds like she's already trying to get out of taking tests!

    Well, take care of my granddaughter (that's for you, Dan). :-)

    Love, Mom

  2. keep her going!!!
    Love, Grandpa

  3. Hi Amanda and Dan, It's Dorothy , You are going Great, This is a fun site to read, How are your Pants? take care Dorothy

  4. It's the pants- hahahahaha

  5. Mom! Quit saying it's a girl! Everyone's going to think I know what it is already! lol
    Dorothy, my pants are actually getting a bit snug! lol And it's not the pants' fault this time!


  6. Looks and sounds like everything is going good(:

