Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 1, 2010

1st gifts off the registry!

So my Dad was anxious to play his Grandpa roll and bought us our highchair and stroller/car seat combo!  We are super excited and had to put it together immediately!  Here are pictures of the process and the final products!
Tank inspecting the packages

All the pieces for the stroller combo


stroller with the car seat

Callie trying out the stroller

High chair (it pretty much came out of the box ready)

all folded up so that the cats can't climb in them!

Thanks Dad!  We love them!


  1. Your Dad/Grandpa is going to have fun I think here in the future spoiling all of you(: Love you both + 1/4


  2. That's great!

    Grandpa/Great Grandpa
