Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Beginning of Nursery Progression Pics

Our friend has started the mural in the nursery.  We are going with a jungle theme to match the bedding that we plan on getting.  Today he drew it free hand on the wall and began painting.  He has the base coats down for the elephant, the rhino and the base of the tree.  There is also going to be a bird flying over the elephant, a monkey hanging from the tree, a giraffe next to the rhino, a lion on another wall and of course, leaves on the tree.  So exciting!  He'll be doing more tomorrow as well as later in the week.  He plans on being done by the end of next weekend!  Here are some pics!

Elephant next to the tree

Elephant closer up

Rhino and the tree

Close up of the rhino

Close up of the tree

1 comment:

  1. These are sooooo cute! I can't wait to see more as it progresses. And, Amanda, post another pic of YOU, please. Inquiring minds want to see the baby belly. Or you can just send me a pic via email if you don't want to post one here.

    Love you guys, Mom
