Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 3, 2010

4 or 5 weeks

The reason I say 4 or 5 is because I'm not sure what the doctor is going to go by.  If he goes by my last month's period then I'm 5 weeks, but if he goes by the date I ovulated (which is always late) then I'm only 4 weeks. 

Below is a 'before' picture.  I contemplated even taking it because I didn't get down to my desired weight, but I've heard that it's nice to compare and now I have a good reason to put on any weight (just not too much!).  I've been weighing myself every Saturday for weight watchers, so I've decided to continue this so that I can make sure I don't put on the weight too fast.  When I did it yesterday I had actually lost a pound, so in my first week of knowing I was pregnant I lost 1 pound.  I've heard that I should only put on about 2-4 pounds in the first trimester as well, so I gotta keep that in mind.

1 comment:

  1. We are all so happy for you guys (and us, of course).
