Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 7, 2010

holy symptoms

So I woke up today pretty wide awake (probably helped that I went to bed around 8:30 last night). I got ready for work and got in my car and started feel extremely tired.  I just got to work and I feel tired, a bit dizzy and overall just not all here.  Kinda sucks on the day you have to teach kids how to find the Least Common Denominator of fractions... I guess hitting the 6 week mark did it.

By the way, if you look at the top there is a ticker showing how far along I am.  I don't type what is in there but I set it to humor, so there are some funny sayings.  It just changed, but for the 5 week one it said that my baby already has more brain cells than Paris Hilton!  Ha Ha!


  1. I love the comments in the ad at the top of the page. Hope your Dr appt goes well. Love you guys.


  2. Yeah for your appt going so well. Can't wait to see ultrasound pics after your next appt.

    :-)) Love you, Mom
