Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

impromptu doc appt tomorrow

So I called the doctor yesterday because I had a tiny bit of spotting over the weekend (one time and not much).  I did my research and saw that was normal but I was still slightly concerned in the back of my head.  I've also been crampy, which I've also read is COMPLETELY normal, but it's been all on one side lately, which starts to concern me.  I've never been much of a hypochodriac but when it comes to this, I just don't want there to be any chance anything is wrong.  So anyway I called yesterday and the head nurse got back to me and reassured me about the spotting.  Today is when I have had the majority of the cramping so I e-mailed her (it's a faster response) and asked if there was anything they could do to calm my fears.  She was so nice about it and reassured me that it's all normal but that she doesn't want me to worry...So she scheduled me for an impromptu sonogram tomorrow at 4pm!  I'm excited that I might see my little bean, but also terrified that something is really wrong...  I will definitely keep everyone posted and post pics when I get them.  Just praying that everything is ok, there is no way I could've held back these minor fears for the next week and a half (til the first sonogram they actually scheduled me for).  I don't think I've miscarried at all but with all the cramping in one area I'm concerned about ectopic pregnancy.  I know I go on the internet too much and this may have elevated this concern but I also know that if this is the case that it can cause permanent damage if not taken care of early on.  Just send all your prayers and well wishes my way!  I'm staying optomistic and I really just want to go to alleviate any fears (you know, being a first time mom after trying for 22 months!!  I don't want there to be any doubt that my little one is perfect!)


  1. I'll be thinking about you and waiting to hear from you after the appt. Wish I could be there to support you - but will be there in spirit, for sure.

    Love you bunches, Mom

  2. I looked through everything upstairs and downstairs and didn't find the file): Don't know where else to look?


