Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The family knows

Well the immediate family knows anyway!  We had originally planned on waiting a bit longer but we just couldn't hold it in!  I called my parents and my sister, they were all very excited!  Dan told his parents and his sister who were just as excited (his parents even cried!).  We feel so much better now that they know, I just hope they can sit on it for a few more weeks.  We want to get to at least 8 weeks before we tell the rest of our family and friends.

On another note, we are pretty sure that Maggie (one of our dogs) knows.  She is normally kind of wired and crazy and she's been SO laid back the past week!  She's been following me everywhere and staying close.  She's also been sniffing me a lot more.  Maybe pregnancy has a smell?  I just hope it's not a bad smell!

I did start getting a bit of nausea today while we were at Target.  Not enough to be sick, but definitely a queasy feeling.  I've also found that I get hungry very suddenly and then fill up really quick, so may have to switch to smaller meals more often.  Just glad I lost those 15 pounds before this!

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