Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

First Ultrasound!

So today I went in for my first ultrasound today.  The doctor thought I was about 7 weeks and 5 days today, but I knew I wasn't that far since I was tracking my cycles.  So the technician did the ultrasound on my stomach first and saw this:

So this showed her where the sac was so that when she went in through the other way she knew where to go.

She measured the baby and it measures at 1/2 cm (pretty much a grain of rice!).  She also was sure we'd be able to hear the heartbeat because she could see it flickering on the screen.  She had me hold my breath and turned the volume on and there it was, beating away strong!  I knew that we were looking for at least 100 beats per minute this early on (I do my research!) and it was beating away at 123 beats per minute!  Dan kept on looking over the technicians shoulder and I asked him if he knew what he was looking at.  He said that it was kind of like watching Telamundo, he kind of knew what was going on, but not really. :) Below are some more pictures with some captions to let you know what you are looking at :)
This one shows the heartbeat (in the upper right hand corner you can see the 123 bpm)

Obviously in this one you can see baby as well as the one below.

We don't have a scanner anymore so I just took a picture of the ultrasound pics!
My next appointment is at 10 weeks on Feb 17th.  It's supposed to be a normal checkup but he said he's been known to do ultrasounds as well to relieve any stress :) Yeah!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty exciting to have baby pics already!

    Love you, Mom
